Saturday, August 29, 2009

Randori stuff

A few principles I've heard regarding randori:

  2. Once you make contact with one uke, immediately shift your focus to another.
  3. Use quick and easy techniques.
  4. Move with uke; don't clash. It's aikido randori, not a jousting tournament.
  5. If all else fails, scream, cry, and run away try, try, try again.
Oh, how can something so fun be so daunting? *sighs and looks at the sky*


1 comment:

  1. Nice list. Dee learned her randori at NYA and brought it to us here. I remember her practicing with some of the yudansha after morning class, when she was preparing for her black belt test.

    If our school is known for anything, it is for our ukemi and randori, both courtesy of Dee.


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