Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My good friend Bo

Last night we did some bokken form and work. Let me tell you, I don't like bokken. I LOVE bokken. There's just something about that wooden sword that I thoroughly enjoy. I even named mine "Bo." Not "Beau". Bo.

Rant and rave aside, practicing with the bokken gives me a better sense of centering, balance, and blah blah blah. With this one particular kokyu-nage we did, we had to be stable enough so that we didn't fall on uke. When doing ude-kimenage, we had to time our entrances and hip turns while being stable as well.

My favorite part had to be at the end where Sensei let us play around with some jiyu-waza. Despite somewhat sloppy technique, I had a blast. I can't wait till I get better at it; crisp technique + bokken jiyu-waza = Muy diversion!


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